all about close down

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Definition of “close down”: the exact definition of the phrasal verb “close down” and how it is used in a sentence

“Close down” is a phrasal verb that means to stop operating or to shut down permanently. It can be used in the following way:

  1. Example: The company announced that they would be closing down all of their retail stores due to financial difficulties.

In this example, “closing down” means that the company will no longer be operating their retail stores and will shut them permanently.

Forms and tenses od close down

Forms and tenses: the different forms and tenses of “close down” and examples of how to use each one

The phrase “close down” can be used in a variety of forms and tenses. Here are some examples of how to use each form and tense:

  • Present simple:
    • The store closes down at 9pm.
    • The restaurant closes down for the winter.
  • Present continuous:
    • The factory is closing down for renovations.
    • The amusement park is closing down for the season.
  • Past simple:
    • The theater closed down due to financial difficulties.
    • The shop closed down after the owner retired.
  • Past continuous:
    • The library was closing down when I arrived.
    • The museum was closing down as we were leaving.
  • Present perfect:
    • The company has closed down its operations in the region.
    • The government has closed down several businesses for violating health guidelines.
  • Past perfect:
    • The restaurant had closed down before I moved to the city.
    • The store had closed down due to lack of customers.
  • Future simple:
    • The park will close down at dusk.
    • The club will close down for the night.
  • Future continuous:
    • The museum will be closing down for renovations next month.
    • The store will be closing down for inventory at the end of the week.
  • Present perfect continuous:
    • The company has been closing down its operations in the region for the past year.
    • The government has been closing down several businesses for violating health guidelines for the past month.
  • Past perfect continuous:
    • The restaurant had been closing down for several months before it finally shut its doors for good.
    • The store had been closing down gradually due to lack of customers for the past year.
  • Future perfect:
    • The park will have closed down by the time we finish our picnic.
    • The club will have closed down for the night by the time we get there.
  • Future perfect continuous:
    • The museum will have been closing down for renovations for several months by the time it reopens.
    • The store will have been closing down for inventory for a week by the time it reopens.
Meaning and usage of close down

Meaning and usage: the different meanings and uses of “close down” and examples of how to use it in different contexts

“Close down” can have a few different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some examples of the different meanings and uses of “close down,” along with examples of how to use it in different contexts:

  1. To shut a business or establishment permanently: When “close down” is used in this sense, it means to shut a business or establishment permanently, usually because it is no longer profitable or is no longer needed. For example:
    • The factory closed down after the company went bankrupt.
    • The store closed down because it wasn’t making enough money.
  2. To shut a business or establishment temporarily: “Close down” can also be used to describe the temporary closure of a business or establishment, usually for maintenance, renovations, or other reasons. For example:
    • The amusement park closes down for the winter every year.
    • The museum is closing down for renovations next month.
  3. To shut off or turn off: In some contexts, “close down” can also be used to describe the act of shutting off or turning off a machine, system, or other device. For example:
    • Please close down the computer when you’re finished using it.
    • The power plant will close down for maintenance next week.
  4. To suppress or suppress the activities of: In a more general sense, “close down” can also be used to describe the act of suppressing or shutting down the activities of a group, organization, or other entity. For example:
    • The government closed down the protest by using force.
    • The authorities closed down the illegal gambling operation.

Common expressions with close down

Common expressions with “close down”: some common expressions that use “close down” and their meanings and uses.

Here are some common expressions that use “close down,” along with explanations of their meanings and uses:

  • “Close down shop”: This expression is used to describe the act of shutting a business or establishment permanently or temporarily. For example:
    • The store closed down the shop after the owner retired.
    • The restaurant will close down shop for the winter.
  • “Close down operations”: This expression is used to describe the act of shutting down or ending the operations of a business or organization. For example:
    • The company closed down operations in the region due to financial difficulties.
    • The government closed down operations of the illegal gambling operation.
  • “Close down for the night”: This expression is used to describe the act of shutting a business or establishment temporarily at the end of the day. For example:
    • The club will close down for the night at 2am.
    • The store closes down for the night at 9pm.
  • “Close down for maintenance”: This expression is used to describe the act of shutting a business or establishment temporarily for maintenance or repair work. For example:
    • The amusement park closes down for maintenance every winter.
    • The museum will close down for maintenance next month.
  • “Close down for renovations”: This expression is used to describe the act of shutting a business or establishment temporarily for renovations or remodeling. For example:
    • The hotel will close down for renovations for six months.
    • The theater closed down for renovations last year.

The list of synonyms for “Close Down”

These words can be used interchangeably with “close down” to convey the idea of ending or discontinuing the operation of a business, establishment, or activity.

Here is a list of synonyms for “close down”:

  1. Shut down
  2. Cease operations
  3. Terminate
  4. Halt
  5. Suspend
  6. Discontinue
  7. Stop
  8. End
  9. Wind up
  10. Fold up
  11. Call off
  12. Wrap up
  13. Bring to a close
  14. Bring to an end
  15. Put an end to
  16. Conclude
  17. Cessation
  18. Abandon
  19. Abolish
  20. Cancel

The list of antonyms for “Close Down”

These words represent concepts opposite to “close down” and imply actions or situations that involve starting, continuing, or maintaining operations or activities.

Here is a list of antonyms for “close down”:

  1. Open
  2. Start
  3. Begin
  4. Commence
  5. Initiate
  6. Launch
  7. Activate
  8. Resume
  9. Reopen
  10. Continue
  11. Operate
  12. Carry on
  13. Keep going
  14. Keep open
  15. Sustain
  16. Perpetuate
  17. Maintain
  18. Uphold
  19. Persist
  20. Proceed

Example sentences with close down

50 Example sentences with Close Down

  1. The government has ordered all non-essential businesses to close down until further notice.
  2. The restaurant decided to close down permanently due to the financial impact of the pandemic.
  3. The department store announced that it will close down all of its locations due to declining sales.
  4. The factory closed down operations due to safety concerns.
  5. The museum had to close down temporarily because of flooding.
  6. The amusement park will close down for the winter season.
  7. The theater closed down due to a lack of funding.
  8. The school closed down for the summer break.
  9. The shop closed down because the owner retired.
  10. The library closed down because of budget cuts.
  11. The government closed down the illegal gambling den.
  12. The company closed down the unprofitable division.
  13. The organization decided to close down the program due to low participation.
  14. The website closed down due to a lack of traffic.
  15. The concert venue closed down because of noise complaints from neighbors.
  16. The park closed down for renovations.
  17. The store will close down for inventory count.
  18. The restaurant closed down for a deep cleaning.
  19. The museum closed down for the day due to a power outage.
  20. The theater closed down for maintenance.
  21. The school closed down for a teacher in-service day.
  22. The shop closed down for a holiday.
  23. The library closed down for a staff training.
  24. The government closed down the border due to a public health crisis.
  25. The company closed down the office for a team-building retreat.
  26. The organization closed down the event due to inclement weather.
  27. The website closed down for maintenance.
  28. The concert venue closed down for a private event.
  29. The park closed down for a special event.
  30. The store closed down for a private sale.
  31. The restaurant closed down for a private party.
  32. The museum closed down for a special exhibition installation.
  33. The theater closed down for a film festival.
  34. The school closed down for a parent-teacher conference.
  35. The shop closed down for a private event.
  36. The library closed down for a book club meeting.
  37. The government closed down the road for construction.
  38. The company closed down the building for renovations.
  39. The organization closed down the park for a fundraiser.
  40. The website closed down for an update.
  41. The concert venue closed down for a sound check.
  42. The park closed down for a concert.
  43. The store closed down for a restock.
  44. The restaurant closed down for a staff meeting.
  45. The museum closed down for a staff training.
  46. The theater closed down for a rehearsal.
  47. The school closed down for a professional development day.
  48. The shop closed down for a staff training.
  49. The library closed down for a board meeting.
  50. The government closed down the airport due to a security threat.